Take on any challenge and every opportunity.

At Temple University, you aren’t just going to school here. You’re developing new relationships, 兴趣和梦想不仅能丰富你的经历,还能帮助你塑造未来的道路. 

On a daily basis, you can choose from an eclectic array of cultural, athletic and social activities, such as student-run clubs, community-service projects, athletic events and musical performances. 从在校园里找到你最喜欢的美食点到加入最新的俱乐部,再到乘坐宽街线去探索费城的每一个角落, you’ll never have a dull moment here. 

作为天普的一名学生,你将成为一个繁荣的社区的一部分,在这里没有梦想是遥不可及的. 你会被推出自己的舒适区,去发现下一个伟大的想法, find your niche and become the best version of yourself. And, you’ll meet like-minded people who are doing the same, allowing you to expand your personal and professional networks. 


Student Experiences

Our students explore every corner of Temple, 对他们的愿望采取行动,发现是什么点燃了他们的火焰. 看看我们的一些猫头鹰(过去的和现在的)是如何沉浸在各种活动中的, experiences and organizations on campus.

Arts & Culture
City Life
Food Trucks
image of Lloyd-Princeton Cangé.

Lloyd-Princeton Cangé

Sculpture major, Tyler School of Art and Architecture

劳埃德-普林斯顿大学(Lloyd-Princeton canang)在坦普尔重新启动了“彩色艺术家团体”, a student group that provides resources to undergraduate creatives. “I knew I needed a space and a community at Tyler and at Temple, and I figured if I needed a space then other people did as well. 这就是我们的使命——为有色人种艺术家建立一个社区,通过艺术增强我们自己.”

Learn more about the Artists of Color Collective.

image of Justine Jones.

Justine Jones

Nursing major, College of Public Health

The sixth largest city in the U.S., Philadelphia is a fantastic place to study, work and play. From its wealth of history to its renowned museums, from its bustling urban life to its famous cuisine, there’s so much for students of all majors to do and see. 而对于贾斯汀·琼斯来说,邓波儿的位置正是医生所要求的. “There’s an energy here that I really like. It’s a good environment to learn, discuss and challenge yourself.” 


image of Ruthie Freer speaking with food truck operators.

Ruthie Freer

History major, College of Liberal Arts

没有什么比主校区的餐车场景更让神庙猫头鹰喜欢的了. This year, the Managing History 这门课的课程集中在邓波儿钟爱的餐车上,并问了一个问题:什么是餐车? Taught by History Professor Seth Bruggeman, 该课程的研究生和本科生被派去采访快餐车的经营者,了解他们在这个行业的经验,以及他们是如何在亿德体育校园里经营自己的生意的.

For history major Ruthie Freer, 这个项目让她对坦普尔受欢迎的快餐车文化和负责维护这种文化的企业主有了新的认识. “Food trucks are a space of cultural exchange. 等待一杯绿色奶昔的10分钟看似简单,但实际上是一种文化交流. 摊贩正在与我们学生分享他们的食物,因此也分享他们的价值观和文化.”

Learn more about food trucks and other dining options on campus.

headshot of Lauren Jacob.

Lauren Jacob

Public health major, College of Public Health  

As the director of sustainability for Temple Student Government, 劳伦·雅各布利用她的技能和对可持续发展的热情,致力于改善坦普尔对环境的影响. “我正在寻找更多的方法来提高个人和大学的可持续性. 我总是愿意听取学生关于改变的建议,使天普更加绿色. 我想帮助降低我们的碳足迹,最终摆脱化石燃料!” 

Learn more about sustainability efforts at Temple.

Frequently Asked Questions

找到一些关于亿德体育生活的常见问题的答案. If you have any additional questions, please contact the Temple University operator at 215-204-7000, or visit Temple’s Knowledge Base.